Sunday, January 26, 2020

Comedy Film Research

Film #2: True Memoirs Of An International Assassin (Netflix)

Camera Angles:
Some common camera angles used in this movie are eye level shots, long shots, two shots, and over the shoulder shots.

Mis En Scene:
Since the main character, Samuel, works at a business of some sort he wears formal wear to work. Later in the movie he tends to wear a lot of buttoned up long sleeves especially during the climatic part of the movie. Props that are used a lot are Samuel's computer which he uses to write, guns, and Samuel's glasses which he seems to only wear when he's working. The film is set in Atlanta, Georgia
and Venezuela.

Some editing techniques used commonly in this movie are graphic matches, cross cutting, action matches, and reaction shots.

Elements in the film:
The film produces a funny yet on the edge of your seat mood. The constant jokes make you laugh and make the film appealing, but it's action portion balances the movie out. There wasn't a lot of character development within the film which made most characters bland and normal which makes the film more of a "getting to the point rather quickly" type of plot. The movie also ends with a comedic yet sappy happy ending with Samuel's new book becoming a success.

Types of sounds used in the film are dialogue, internal diegetic (usually when he writes or being questioned), ambient sound, score, and a soundtrack (typically used when there is an action scene taking place).

Elements I Liked:
The ending which really put the movie into perspective and made it more of a "re-watch" for me. The ending was happy and comedic which really sums up the movie as a whole and the fact Samuel gets the success he deserves makes it ten times more mood lifting.

Elements That Did Not Appeal To Me:
The element that did not appeal to me was the lack of character development. Throughout the film the audience is left thinking what makes this specific character this character. It doesn't help the audience understand why they do most of what they do and makes certain parts of the film confusing.

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